LUMI sleep mask that simulates sunrise

LUMI sleep mask that simulates sunrise Review

LUMI sleep mask that simulates sunrise Overview

LUMI is a sleep mask that simulates sunrise. The idea came from combining two familiar sleep products (sleep masks and sunrise clocks) that can’t be used in tandem. LUMI is the solution. LUMI, like traditional sleep masks, blocks out light. But, In the morning, a light unit inside the mask simulates a sunrise 30 minutes before you wake, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized. How does LUMI work? Our bodies are designed to sleep in darkness and wake with sunlight. Darkness triggers our brain to produce a sleep cue, melatonin, to help fall asleep. Tiny amounts of light disrupt this cue. LUMI blocks out light, helping you fall asleep with ease. Sunlight aligns our daily rhythms and activates our metabolism so we wake easily, with more attention and energy. LUMI's light stimulates the mind and prepares your body for the day.